5 Effective Ways to Stop Storing During Night and Have a Calm Sleep

5 Effective Ways to Stop Storing During Night and Have a Calm Sleep

The concept of snoring is interesting to all. Generally, snoring is normal and it happens to more than half of the population around the world. But, what happens when it increases in intensity? When snoring is too loud, it can create problems for the person who is suffering from this issue as well for the person who is sleeping beside you. If you snore at night, you can chose from various stop snoring treatment options to control the snoring sound at night.

Snoring not only hampers one’s sleep but also leads to other health issues. If you want to have a sound sleep during the night, you can follow these 5 effective ways to stop snoring-

  1. Change Your Sleeping Position

Yes, it is true; the sleeping position largely impacts the snoring. People who snore often sleep on their back and in this position; the base of the tongue and soft palate will collapse on the back of the throat. This is a cause of snoring. Try to sleep on your side and then use a pillow for providing extra support to yourbody.

  1. Losing Weight

One of the most effective ways to control your snoring is to lose weight. Overweight or obesity can put pressure on the internal diameter of the throat region and this may lead to snoring. Weigh reduction may also be effective in reducing your snoring.

  1. Clear Your Nasal Passage

There are various ways to open the nasal passage giving more space or room for a better airflow. Take a hot shower or use nasal strips that will help  open the nasal passage.

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To stop snoring, you can also make use of our certified organic aromatherapy. Lenson Products offer ‘STOP SNORING’ aromatherapy. Habitual snorers have a higher risk of several health issues which include sleep apnea. Simply inhale ‘STOP SNORING’ which will open your breathing passage and will allow free passage of airflow. This product is made with organic essential oils such as Lavender, Eucalyptus, Jojoba and Marjoram oil.

  1. Reduce Intake of Alcohol

If you reduce the intake of alcohol, you may also experience less occurrence of snoring. If you consume alcohol 4-5 hours before going to bed, it will increase your snoring problem as alcohol reduces the resting tone of muscles.

  1. Drink lots of water

If you are not hydrated, you may also snore more. It is suggested by  doctors to drink plenty of water regularly to help reduce snoring.

These are 5 effective ways to reduce your intensity to snore. Try “STOP SNORING” from Lenson Products to have better sleep at night.  There are no expencive mouth pieces, no machines and no inserts to worry about.  Try Lenson Stop Snoring for 60 days with a 60 day money back guarantee if you are not 100% satisfied.


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