Stop Snoring Treatment

Snoring, Treatment, Diagnosis & Therapy

Snoring is considered as “The noisy breathing sleep.” It is the common issue among people of all ages and all genders. When we are asleep, turbulent airflow causes the tissues of the palate and throat to vibrate, which gives rise to the snoring sound. The frequency of snoring is greater in males and those who are overweight. If the snoring occurs occasionally, it can be neglected. However, when the intensity of the sound increases and it starts to hamper the sleep of the person who is snoring and the person who is sleeping beside, the situation is considered serious.

Some Common Reasons of Snoring

Age– As we age, the throat becomes narrower and thus the muscle tone decreases. As you are not able to control your age; you can change your lifestyle, bedtime routine and practice several throat exercises to prevent snoring.

Overweight– fatty tissue and poor muscle tone can also lead to snoring. However, if you are not overweight, having extra weight around the neck or the throat can lead to snoring. You can perform regular exercises to reduce the fat from your neck and throat area.

 Nasal and Sinus Issues– If you have blocked airways or stuffy nose, it causes your breathing to become difficult which can lead to snoring.

Alcohol, Medications and Smoking– alcohol intake, medications and smoking can lead to snoring. Certain medicines like lorazepam and diazepam can lead to muscle relaxation and snoring.

Sleeping Postures– Sleeping flat on the back can cause the muscles of the throat to relax which can block the airway. If you change your sleeping position, the snoring may stop.

Symptoms of Snoring

Snoring is associated with the sleeping disorder called the Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). If you are suffering from the following symptoms, you might have OSA-

  • Suffer from breathing pauses during sleep
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness
  • High blood pressure
  • Morning headaches
  • Restless sleep
  • Chest pain at night
  • Sore throat upon awakening
  • Gasping or chocking at night
  • Difficulty in concentration
  • Too loud snoring that disrupts partner’s sleep
  • Poor attention, behavioral changes and poor performance in school in case of kids

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Remedies for Snoring

Mild or occasional snoring is quite normal, but when snoring becomes worse, you should follow some remedies before visiting the doctor-

  • Losing weight
  • Sleep on your side rather than on the back
  • Avoid alcohol for 4 hours and heavy meals for 3 years before retiring
  • Avoid medications like tranquilizers and sleeping pills
  • Have regular sleeping patterns

Stop Snoring treatment- Lenson ‘STOP SNORING’

Stop Snoring Treatment from Lenson Products is an organic aromatherapy that helps in reducing your snoring issues. The organic ingredients of this item are rosemary, eucalyptus, marjoram and natural carrying oil. It helps in opening up the breathing passage and enables free movement of air through the nose. If you want to reduce your snoring problem, take 5-6 breaths of STOP SNORING at bedtime and leave the jar open in your room on the table. In the morning, put the lid back to the jar. Repeat the process daily to get rid of snoring forever.